The waste paper box baler pump has the advantages of high rated pressure, compact structure, high efficiency and convenient flow adjustment. It is widely used in high pressure, high flow and flow demand adjustment, such as waste paper box balers, construction machinery and ships. Piston pump is a kind of reciprocating pump that generates high pressure.
6. The electromagnet is not working properly. The electromagnet does not work. First check whether the welding head of the electromagnet connection is off, and then check whether the coil is burned out. If there is no abnormality in both, check whether the electromagnet is displaced or blocked by stolen goods, making the head unable to move freely.
Professional protection is justified by professional personnel. Generally, it is carried out by professional and skilled personnel from the manufacturer or seller of the machine. The work they carry out is more professional. Generally, the core components of the machine should be carried out on a large scale. Inspection and maintenance together should promptly discover potential faults and solve them in time to prevent users from appearing faults in the process of use and delaying production.
We cannot decide on the length of the warranty period of the metal briquetting machine, but we can take measures to increase the service life of the equipment and reduce the failure rate of the equipment. The waste paper baler is used to squeeze waste paper and similar products under normal conditions, so that the volume is greatly reduced, so as to reduce the transportation volume, save the freight, and increase the benefits for the enterprise. The introduction of advanced technology and advanced technology of similar products at home and abroad.
In order to avoid this situation, we need to temporarily suspend the operation after a certain period of time in the actual work process, and wait for the hydraulic oil temperature to drop to a reasonable range before proceeding with the follow-up work.