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Sorghum Green Reserve
Author : admin Time : 2020-08-24 AllPageView : 405
For farmers,in addition to corn stalks,sorghum is also a good source of feed for feeding cattle and sheep.According to reports,the green sorghum plant has moderate water content and high sugar content.After being prepared into silage,it has good palatability and rich nutrition.But how to deal with sorghum green reserves?
1. When preparing, it must be cut and stored,the fresher the better. The whole plant can be crushed for silage,or the ear heads can be cut off,and green straw silage can be used.When the silage is harvested in the mature period,the grains in the silage account for about 20% to 30%,which has higher nutritional value.
2. When feeding cattle,the appropriate length of the cutting section is 3~4 cm. ust choose the haymaking machine on the equipment used.The haymaking machine can be cut into sections and the length of the haymaking can be adjusted.
3. When feeding pigs,crush or beating is better.The crushed materials are meticulous,and mixed with legumes or weeds can improve their nutritional value.

4. The storage should be compacted and sealed to prevent deterioration.The straw baler produced by Nickel can compress and pack the feed,and the bundling machine can bund the material with plastic film.The advantage of the baler and baler we produce is that it is not subject to wind and sun.It is easy to move due to the influence of drying.

Silage is an indispensable fodder for livestock in winter and spring.Nick brand green storage forage baler is safe and reliable,low power consumption,economical and reasonable,easy to use,simple to maintain and operate.It is a good helper for your production.
Shaanxi Nick Machinery Equipment Co.,LTD 
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