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What environment will affect the life of the horizontal hydraulic baler?
Author : admin Time : 2021-04-15 AllPageView : 397

1. Severely humid environment. There are many factories producing aquatic products with relatively high air humidity and even deep water on the ground. At this time, it is obviously inappropriate to choose an ordinary semi-automatic baler. First of all, the machine itself will be easily damaged, and secondly, the strap is unwound. At times, the belt will fall on the ground and be stained with water, and it will be very unsmooth when you work again next time.

2. Heavy corrosive environment. This environment is mainly manifested as strong acid or strong base. Since the outer shell of carbon steel is not as corrosion-resistant as stainless steel, the case is easily corroded in such an environment.

Nick Machinery recommends that you put the baler in a spacious and dry place, so that the baler can work better for you. For more information about the baler, please follow www.nkbaler.com

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