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How to prolong the structural impact of the metal crusher
Author : admin Time : 2023-11-16 AllPageView : 276
The main shaft of the crusher is one of its important structures, and the structural influence of the bending of the main shaft:
1. Affect the service life of the spindle;
2. The blade produces interference cutting, which reduces the service life of the blade;
3. Affect the size of processed materials;
4. Reduce the service life of the bearing;
5. Difficult to assemble;

6. If the reducer is directly connected, the service life of the reducer will be reduced; if the belt drive is used, the belt is easy to jump, which will reduce the service life of the V-belt. 

Therefore, the precision of the spindle must be strictly required to ensure the service life of the equipment, increase the yield and meet customer requirements.

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