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How to packing used clothes baler by hand?
Author : admin Time : 2024-01-16 AllPageView : 193
Packing a used clothes baler by hand may seem like a daunting task, but with the right techniques and tools, it can be done efficiently and effectively. Here are some tips on how to pack a used clothes baler by hand:
1. Sort your clothes: Before packing your clothes into the baler, sort them by type and size. This will make it easier to pack them tightly and maximize the space in the baler.
2. Fold your clothes neatly: Fold your clothes neatly and tightly to save space. You can also roll up your socks and underwear to save even more space.
3. Use a tarp or plastic sheet: Lay a tarp or plastic sheet on the ground before you start packing. This will protect your clothes from dirt and moisture.
4. Start packing: Begin packing your clothes into the baler, starting with the heaviest items first. Make sure to pack them tightly so that they don't shift during transport.
5. Add smaller items: Once you have packed the heavier items, add smaller items such as t-shirts, sweaters, and pants. Again, make sure to pack them tightly.

6. Use a bale tie: Once you have filled the baler, use a bale tie to secure the top of the bale. This will prevent the bales from falling apart during transport.

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