At present,the equipment and technology of the hydraulic baler produced in China is still at a relatively backward level.How to get rid of the passive situation of relying on imports for key technologies,and to adapt to market development needs as soon as possible,develop and research new theories,new processes,new technologies and corresponding control methods and automation systems for
straw balers and shavings and shearing processes,and improve domestic metal belts To catch up with the level and grade of materials is a topic facing each of our straw baler equipment manufacturers.
1.The structure design of the straw baler is standardized and modularized,and the original model can be converted to a new
straw baler model in a short time.
2.High-precision structural movement of the straw baler. The structure design and structural motion control of the straw balers are related to the performance of the straw balers,and the straw balers are extended appropriately,and the straw balers are developed towards the high-tech industry.
3.Control automation.
4.Diversified functions of straw baler.With man-machine interface,fully automatic operation,and arbitrary program control, the market demand for straw balers is large.
Nick brand straw baler has stable action, simple operation, low failure rate and easy cleaning and maintenance. It is a good helper for your production.